Friday, October 1, 2010

A Beautiful Sunny Day!

After 2 days of almost non-stop rain here, it is FINALLY sunny!  About 4 inches of rain fell yesterday and was basically just a crappy day.  But, now it is Friday and the sun is out.  Its so bright I need to rock out my shades.  I hope everyone enjoys this beautiful weekend.  Stay safe and have fun!!  See you Monday!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sorry for the delay...

I apologize for the delay between postings.  There has been a bad bug floating around the office and I have been a bit under the weather for the past few days.  My leaves are droopy and I have otherwise been pretty miserable.  I am finally on the mend and am back in the game.  For everyone out there, be careful this season.  I might even consider getting a flu shot.  Stay healthy and I will be posting again soon!

Friday, September 17, 2010

TGIF and people watching

Well its Friday in the office.  After a bit of a crazy week and the start of my blog things look like they might be settling down.  I have a nice view of the goings-on from my seat.  Its perfectly between the girls and has a nice view of the street from the window.  I enjoy watching the people outside.  Especially the people trying to parallel park.  It's amazing how few people can actually do this.  Some of these spaces are big enough I'm pretty sure you could park a plane in them if necessisary.  It does provide some amusement for me to watch them try.  For those of you that wish to attempt parallel parking, I have attached an easy picture guide.  In the meantime, enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Allow me to introduce myself......

Hi Everyone!  I'm Andy the much loved Avacado Tree that is being cared for by the loving girls of the 512.  I started as a seed suspended by toothpicks over some water and have grown into the lovely plant you see today.  A few interesting facts about me:
1. My full name is Andy รณ Conchobhair
2. I'm Irish (note the flag showing my pride)
3. I love to tan and the sun in general
4. I love to drink scotch...just kidding I'm a lightweight its mostly just water for me!

I'll be updating as interesting things happen and just giving the general impressions of my life as these girls office plant and the shenanigans that ensue.